Answering "What Areas Need Improvement" in a Review

One challenging question common to most performance reviews is, "What areas need improvement?" Here are some suggestions for how to approach your answers.
Joey Alfano
Joey Alfano
July 10, 2023
how to answer what areas need improvement examples creative

Performance reviews can be a daunting experience for both managers and employees. One of the most challenging questions during a performance review, especially a self review, is usually, "What areas need improvement?" Employees may feel defensive and uncertain about how to respond, while managers may struggle with how to provide constructive feedback. In this blog post, we'll cover how to appropriately answer this classic performance review question in a self-assessment. We'll also provide some useful examples to guide you in the right direction.

As an employee, it is important to understand your own weaknesses at work because it helps you become more self-aware and understand your areas of opportunity. Having self-awareness can help you create actionable plans for improvement. The more specific you can be about your areas for potential improvement and the things you plan to do to capitalize on that understanding, the more professional you will appear to your colleagues and manager. These principles can help you define the right opportunities for improvement.

Be Honest and Specific

One of the most challenging aspects of answering the "what areas need improvement" question is acknowledging your weaknesses. However, honesty is essential in this situation. Be specific about the areas you think need improvement. Avoid general statements such as "I need to improve my work ethic." Instead, try to identify specific aspects of your work that need improvement. For example, you can say "I know I need to work on my time management skills to be more efficient."

Be Positive

It's important to frame your weaknesses in a positive light. Avoid using negative language or blaming others for your shortcomings. Focus on what you can do to improve rather than what you can't do. For example, instead of saying "I'm not good at working in teams," try to rephrase it as "I'm working on improving my team collaboration skills, and I know there is room for growth."

Provide Solutions

When you identify areas that need improvement, it's vital to offer solutions to address them effectively. This shows that you've thought about the issue and are making an effort to improve. For example, if you need to improve your communication skills, you could suggest attending a communication skills workshop or taking an online course to enhance those skills.

Ask for Feedback Early

Asking for feedback demonstrates that you're receptive to learning and improving. You may want to solicit feedback from peers before completing your review. It shows that you care about your performance and want to do better. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for your colleagues to offer constructive feedback and suggestions.

Be open to potentially surprising or direct criticism. Remember that criticism is not personal but rather an opportunity to learn and improve. Instead of being defensive, listen to the feedback, ask questions, and seek clarification.

Ask for Specific Help

Ask your manager for suggestions on how to improve and commit to taking action. For instance, you might say, "I would appreciate suggestions for additional coaching or mentorship to help me improve my group presentation and facilitation skills." You can have a plan and a strategy, but still be open to specific suggestions.

In Conclusion

Performance reviews can be stressful, but they offer an opportunity to receive feedback, grow, and improve. Often times, they are your best employee feedback tool. The question "what areas need improvement" can be challenging, but if you approach it with honesty, positivity, and a willingness to learn, it can be a valuable experience. Remember to be specific, provide solutions, ask for feedback, and be open to criticism. By doing so, you'll be on your way to improving your performance and achieving your goals.

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